What Makes a Power Couple? 5 Ways to Know So You Can Be One Too
Every couple I know would like to know what makes a power couple.
We look at celebrity couples like Michelle and Barack Obama, , Beyonce and Jay-Z, Megan and Harry, and Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis (to name a few) and want more than anything for our relationship to be like theirs.
We want love, stability, success, commitment, and power.
We want to be a couple that we can be proud of and one that everyone else admires.
We want a relationship that will withstand time and overcome all obstacles.
Namely, we want to be part of a power couple!
Would you like to know what makes a power couple?
Learn the traits that make a power couple a power couple so that you and your partner can strive to be everything that you want to be?
Let me share them with you now so you can move forward deliberately and make it happen.
#1 – They prioritize each other.
One of the most important traits that make a powerful couple is prioritizing each other.
In this crazy world, with work, kids, families, and life all getting in the way, its easy for couples to lose sight of each other.
Power couples, especially, are busy conquering the world, and instead of letting their work get in the way of their relationship, they make it a part of their success story.
Take Megan and Harry, for example. When they got married, from day one, they struggled. The Royal Family, the media, and much of the country seemed to be betting against them.
Harry was used to this way of royal lifee he had lived it all of his life. And royal life had been the only thing that he had known. While he struggled with it sometimes, he was devoted to his family and country. Until that is, they started messing with his wife.
As we all know, Harry chose Megan. When he noticed that she was struggling, he stood up for her and turned away from everything he had ever known so that she would be safe and their relationship intact.
Now, look at them safely ensconced in Santa Barbara, raising a family in a healthy way and taking on the world. He prioritized her. She trusted him. Now they are living happily ever after.
So, if you want to know what makes a power couple, prioritization is key!
#2 – They don’t take each other for granted.
Unfortunately, many relationships fall apart because couples take each other for granted.
They assume their person will always be there for them until they are suddenly not.
When I was married, we were a bit of a power couple. My ex-husband had a high-level job at a world-known company. I was on fire as a real estate agent. We traveled the world, lived in Tokyo and did things other people only dreamed about doing.
I can’t tell you how many times someone told me that they wished they had the life that we had.
And we did have a good life. But, as life went on, we took each other for granted.
We were both so busy that we never made time for each other. We sometimes treated each other disrespectfully because we assumed we would always be there. We stopped putting our relationship first.
As a result, we gradually grew apart. As we did, our power faded. Not being so well connected as a couple sapped the energy out of our relationship, leaving us just another couple, soon to be divorced.
If you want to be part of a powerful couple, never take each other for granted.
#3 – “ No topic is off-limits.
In literally every pursuit in the world, communication is the key to its success in every pursuit in the world. Having an open dialogue about what is going on around us is how we make a change and move forward.
And when communication falters, so does success.
Imagine two high-level executives at a Fortune 500 company. Imagine if, as they made plans for their business to grow and flourish, they could not talk about it.
Imagine if they found that if they tried to share their goals, the others would only mock them.
Imagine if they hid things from each other, trying to protect the other.
Can you imagine these executives not running this company into the ground because they couldn’t talk about important things?
So it is with a power couple.
A powerful couple can talk about anything and everything. They will be able to talk and know that they will be heard. They will be willing to truly listen and not just think about what they will say next. They will work together through issues. They will be able to resolve things and move forward decisively.
Can you and your partner communicate about everything? Do voices sometimes get raised, but are you generally able to work through things and move on, never holding grudges or being passive-aggressive?
If the answer to this question is yes, you could be part of a power couple!
#4- They share the same goals.
Every power couple shares the same goals and works together to reach them.
I am not saying they need to have the same goals, but they do need complementary goals like reaching a certain career benchmark or wanting to accomplish something big. Or raising a healthy, stable family.
What can’t happen is one of them sitting quietly on the sidelines, watching the other person have all of the successes.
Back to Megan and Harry. They seem to have very complementary goals.
They are both activists who travel the world, making a difference.
They are parents who prioritize the mental health of their kids.
They strive to be financially independent.
They want to live their own lives.
And they do these things.
While I know they are activists for different causes, they both support and believe in each other’s work. They work side by side, teaching their children to be strong despite their difficult childhoods. They are living the way they want to live and doing an excellent job of working together to be financially independent.
Do you and your partner share similar goals? Do you support each other with those goals and stand beside each other every step of the way?
If yes, then you and your person are most likely a power couple, one that might even change the world.
#5 – They give each other space.
In every couple, there are two people. Two distinct people had separate lives before they came together as one.
Unfortunately, when couples form, sometimes their individuality disappears, and they become less of who they are as a person. They are not worse people, but they might lose touch with themselves.
Giving each other space and letting each other be individuals is one of the key traits that make a power couple!
I remember when Barack Obama was president. Watching him and Michelle navigate their lives in the White House was fascinating.
They were both important people with big jobs, taking care of the country and advocating for better lives for everyone. We often saw them with their children or on a date, a truly happy couple who enjoyed being together.
What I remember even more is the freedom they gave each other. Michelle used to travel the country, following her passions. She took her kids on trips to places she wanted to share with them. He was able to escape the Oval Office to play golf or basketball.
They gave each other space to be who they were as individuals. And that made them a power couple.
Power couples can use up a lot of energy when they are in the same room. Giving each other the freedom to go off on their own to recharge their batteries only makes them stronger when they get back together.
I hope after reading this article you know understand more about what makes a power couple.
Today, Barack and Michelle Obama have one of the most respected relationships in the world and that’s not because they are glued to each other’s sides daily.
Being like Beyonce and Jay Z or Ben and Jennifer might not be what you want for your relationship. It does seem like a lot of work to be them.
But, even if you want a simple life, you can still be a powerful couple. You can still prioritize each other every day. You can never take each other for granted. You can listen and know you will be heard. You can share the same goals for your future and give each other space.
Doing so will make you the power couple in your family and community. You can bring positivity everywhere and make a big difference in your little universe.
And as a result, your relationship will stay strong and you, too, can get the happily ever after you have always wanted!