“How To ‘Fake’ Your Way Into A Happier Life“
Mitzi Bockmannletyourdreamsbegin.com
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But we are proud to say that Mitzi Bockmann contributed 213 entries already.
Mitzi Bockmannletyourdreamsbegin.com
Mitzi Bockmannletyourdreamsbegin.com
If you are reading this article I am guessing that, if you aren’t in a toxic relationship right now, you have recently been in one and/or, perhaps, you have been in more than one over the years. Well, you are not alone! Know that loving toxic relationships is, for many reasons, very common. Most […]
I know, it doesn’t seem very romantic does it, setting goals as a couple. After all, you have found your soulmate. Shouldn’t you just be able to live happily after in peace and harmony? Ideally, yes. In the real world, though, things aren’t so simple. And, as a result, goal setting is key to […]
If you are reading this article, I am guessing that you have had your heart broken. And for that I am very sorry! I know that there is nothing worse than a broken heart. I remember my first like it was yesterday. Bobby Fortunato broke up with me for Katie Ford my mom let […]
I know it seems counterintuitive, right? I mean, if someone cheats on someone, why would they want to stay in a relationship with them? After all, they cheated. They can’t possibly still love their person and be happy in a relationship if they cheated. Right? Actually, it’s more complicated than that. People cheat for […]
Probably 95% of my clients come to me because they are in toxic relationships. Thousands more read my blogs about toxic relationships every day and reach out, wondering how to get out of theirs. Without exception, they all believe that they should be able to get out of the relationship. I mean, they know, […]
Many of my clients come to me wondering if their marriage is dead. It can be hard to tell, from the inside looking out, where one’s marriage stands. Why? Because, as the years go on, some behaviors, good and bad, become normalized, and it’s hard to tell if they are affecting the marriage in […]
Marriage is hard. Very hard. And unfortunately, there are times when it can involve lots of yelling. In an ideal world, couples would be able to have a calm, rational conversation about an issue, and often they can. But, sometimes, they lose control of their emotions, and they yell. And, for many people, being […]
For many people, they might seem obvious the reasons to avoid having an affair with married men. After all, they are married and not available, right? Unfortunately, for many women, they do go down that rabbit hole of having an affair with a married man. Nobody sets out to do this but it does […]
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