5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Solid – Even if You Have A Lot Going On
Relationships and love. Everyone says, and, I think, truly believes, that without love, the world just doesn ‘ t go around. Love is a powerful thing that makes everything a little shinier. We all want it.
And yet, ironically, it is relationships that are usually the first thing to be set aside as we live these chaotic, jam-packed and exhausting lives. Work, kids, and exercise, all come first, leaving love sitting on the sidelines, lonely and neglected.
Doing the work that I have done for years with clients, and living my life, has given me a tremendous amount of insight into the damage we do, more often than not unwittingly. I want to share that insight with you today.
Here is my latest, 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Solid – Even if You Have A Lot Going On.
#1 – Keep your promises.
Promises. They are usually made with such good intentions but when they are broken there can be disastrous consequences.
Promises have to do with trust. If you make a promise and don ‘ t keep it then trust is lost. It ‘ s better to not make a promise that you can ‘ t keep then continue to break ones that you do.
I have a client whose boyfriend kept promising her that she could meet his kids. And yet every time a meeting was set up there was always an excuse about why it couldn’t happen. Eventually, she stopped wanting to meet his kids, and, ultimately, she stopped wanting to be with him.
Her trust in him had been lost. And without trust, what is there?
Make your promises carefully. Remember how important they are for maintaining trust. And love.
#2 – Make your limited time quality time.
Yes, we are all busy, with lots on our minds and many pressures. But it is important to take a few minutes to connect with your partner. Not a quick phone call between meetings, talking about yourself and your worries, but a real connection.
Next time you are together, take a moment and look at your partner and ask them how they are doing. Listen to them without interrupting. Don ‘ t try to fix anything, just listen.
Listening without judgment is very powerful. Letting your partner know they are cared about, and being heard, is a powerful way to express love. And knowing how your partner is doing will only make you feel closer.
#3 – Use your words.
How many times has a client said to me ‘ I don ‘ t have to tell him I love him. He knows. ‘
Thousands, I am afraid.
Think back to the last time that your partner told you that you were beautiful, or sexy, or that they loved your laugh. Even if you have heard it from them a million times didn ‘ t it make you feel great?
Words are very powerful. Use them for good. And for love.
#4 – Touch, touch, touch, touch.
One cannot underestimate the importance of the power of touch. I am not talking about sexual touch (although it ‘ s power should not be discounted) but simple affectionate touch.
A hug, holding hands, a kiss, a light pat on the butt. These are all examples of physical affection that can keep you bonded to your partner every day.
Did you know that a hug produces oxytocin, a chemical known to enhance mood? That a pat on the butt can make someone feel sexy and wanted? That holding hands as you walk down the street makes you feel like you can take on the world? Don’t even get me started on kissing…
So reach out and touch your partner today. Don’t make them ask for it. It ‘ s quick, easy and fun, with huge payoffs.
#5 – Don ‘ t take anyone for granted.
Let me state that one again. Don ‘ t take anyone for granted.
When we first fall in love our attention is completely focused on that one person. But as time goes by we get distracted by life and we can start to neglect the one we love. We know they are there, and we assume that they will always be there, so we stop tending the relationship. And the consequences can again be disastrous.
This I can tell you from personal experience. No matter how awful I was to him, my husband always promised me that he would never leave me. I didn ‘ t mean to, but because of this I took him for granted and while I planned to change my behaviour I never quite made it happen.
And guess what. He left me.
So pay attention to that person in bed next to you. One day they just might be gone, and where would you be then?
There you go, my 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Solid.
‘ There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved, ‘ said George Sands 100 years ago. And nothing today has changed. We can succeed in our careers, be as fit as a 20-year-old and have the perfect golf game but without love what does it all matter?
I know that if I had followed my advice (if I had known it then), my marriage might have had a chance. I certainly regret not working harder at changing those behaviours.
So don’t let love live on the sidelines. Bring it out to the centre field, into the sunshine, where it can be all it can be. You can do it.
Look for more help tending your relationship. Contact me, and I can help.

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.
Gonna go wake up my special lady, with a warm hug, hand holding. Let’s see if it works. ;D
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you’re suggesting Mitzi.
I remember a powerful learning maybe two years into my marriage… and that was to make my husband a priority. Sounds obvious, right? It’s similar to #1, Keep your promises and maybe a little #5 Don’t take anyone for granted.
It’s the little things like mailing a letter for him or calling if I’m going to be home later than 9pm, so he doesn’t worry… the things that don’t seem huge, yet, matter to him.
Backing out of the garage, in a hurry to open my office, I’m happy to say I have stopped the car, gone back into the house, gave him my loving goodbye and drove off.
He’s my priority.:) I want him to know that. I’ll take the ding for being late and plan to get up earlier or spend less time on the computer in the am.