7 Reasons Why Dating A Married Man Who is Separated is a Huge Waste of Time
7 Reasons Why Dating A Married Man Who is Separated is a Huge Waste of Time
One thing is for sure – the availability of great men to date seems to be somewhat limited. As a result, women are often open to dating a married man who is separated. After all, his marriage is over – why not?
Well, let me tell you – dating a man who is not yet divorced is a REALLY bad idea. Yes, he might seem available but he really isn’t.
I know – you don’t want to hear this but good for you for opening this article and reading it. You will be glad that you did!
#1 – He might think that he is ready to date but he isn’t.
I know that, when my ex-husband left me, I was devastated. I felt abandoned and not worthy. I was lonely and believed that no one would ever love me again. Within months, I was on a dating site. On the first date I met a wonderful man and we, in spite of his reservations that I wasn’t yet divorced, started dating. It was amazing at first – and then it was a disaster.
I truly felt like I was ready to date but I wasn’t. I was fresh out of a 20 year marriage. I was struggling with the pain of abandonment. I hadn’t yet processed what had happened in my marriage. I was desperate to be in a new relationship so that I wouldn’t feel lonely.
All of these things affected our relationship in a big way.
Whenever I had contact with my soon to be ex, it upset me. I was clingy with my new guy, desperate to not lose him. I tried to involve him in the details of my divorce, something that he wasn’t interested in doing as he had already been through divorce himself.
Slowly, the relationship died away and I was left lonely and abandoned again. I truly believe that, if we had met after my divorce, this man and I might still be together.
I am sure that your married man is telling you that he is ready – and I am sure that he believes that he is. But he isn’t. Stay away.
#2 – He still has one foot in the door of the marital household – if he is even out at all.
A client of mine got involved with a married man who had separated from his wife. They had four kids under the age of 14. The man and his wife knew that managing those kids on their own and sending them back and forth between households would be difficult so he stayed in the house – albeit in the guest room.
At first my client dealt with this – she had dated a series of douchebags and this guy was great. What she soon learned, however, was that he was still so connected to his life, his kids and the running of his household that he had no physical or emotional space to give her.
More often than not, dates would be cancelled as “something came up.” They couldn’t travel because he needed to be available to his wife and his kids. His wife wasn’t thrilled that he was dating and was not kind about it, which was stressful. Overall, my client had no place in her boyfriend’s life and that only caused her to be resentful.
My client finally found the strength to walk away from this guy, even though he was great. The anger and resentment that she was feeling wasn’t conducive to a healthy relationship and she didn’t want to waste her time.
#3 – He is probably still struggling with the divorce.
While your married man who is separated might not believe this, he is probably still struggling with the fact that he is getting divorced, even if he is the one who instigated it.
When people get married, they make vows in front of their family and friends, vows that they will be committed to each other for life. As a result, the marriage ends in divorce, for both parties the feelings are complicated.
Men, especially, can feel at odds with their actions. After all, they did commit to taking care of their wives and have, most likely, done so, at least to some extent. Many men are the major breadwinners and they want to make sure that their wives are taken care of. They are struggling with the fact that they might not see their kids everyday. They might be getting shit from their parents or in-laws, which only feeds their complicated feelings.
When someone’s head and heart are not clear going into a relationship, there is very little room for a healthy love to grow. As a result, the new person gets the short end of the stick when it comes to attention and that can kill a relationship almost before it starts.
#4 – His kids are probably still struggling with the divorce.
When husbands and wives who have kids decide to divorce, things are often very clear for them. They know that their marriage is over and have decided that its time to take steps. For the kids, its no so black and white.
While some kids shrug their shoulders and seem to be non-plussed by a divorce, for many kids the divorce is a major blow to their lives. The life that they have always known is over and the future is uncertain. When one of their parents starts dating, things can really take a turn for the worse.
One of my clients was dating a married man who was separated. His 16 year old daughter was angry that her father had moved on so quickly after her parents’ separation. When my client came along that pushed her over the edge.
The anger that his daughter felt towards her father got redirected towards my client. She believed that my client was the cause of the divorce. She believed that her mother was being wronged. She believed that my client was a horrible person who had no place in her life. As a result, she refused to meet her and badmouthed her continuously to her father.
The result of this was two fold. First, my client was devastated that she was on the receiving end of so much vitriol. She felt like she was a good person who had fallen for a man, not some conniving women who was trying to steal a father away from his daughter. The situation led to a fair amount of resentment on her part.
And, as his daughter became more and more vocal about her dislike of my client, her married man became resentful of her as well. After all, his daughter was the light of his life and if she didn’t like his girlfriend, he didn’t want to upset her. He started to put her first above my client and do whatever he could to keep his daughter happy. Again, my client became resentful of this and soon walked away, even though she really like her guy.
#5 – He might just be using you for emotional support – or sex.
Again, your married man who is not yet divorced most likely truly believes that he is ready to date but, as I said, he is not. So, while he is attached to you, it is very like that he is attached to you for the emotional support that you give him and the amazing not-married sex.
I am not saying that your married man is using you maliciously. He most likely fell into your relationship and, as it grew, he became more and more attached to the emotional support that you gave him. After all, his life is complicated and perhaps many people are angry with him. To have you there, telling him that he is wonderful and listening to his tales of woe is very comforting.
And – you are having sex with him. Your married man has most likely been fairly sex-free for a past period of time as his marriage died. Now, here he is, with a woman who truly longs for him and who is willing to have sex a lot!
What kind of man would walk away from either of those things? You are making this difficult time in his life easier. While this is wonderful for him, what is in it for you?
#6 – Divorces are messy.
If you are single and have never been through a divorce let me tell you something – divorces are messy. Very messy.
Most likely your boyfriend and his wife are going to have to go through the process of dividing their assets – who gets the house, the cars, the furniture, the jewelry. While he says that he doesn’t want anything, he will. They are going to have to figure out how to sustain two households with the same income with which they managed one. They are going to have to figure out any custody arrangements for their kids and who is going to spend holidays where.
And they are going to have to do all of this with lawyers and mediators involved, and have it all approved by a judge, something that can be scary and anxiety inducing, particularly if they haven’t done it before.
And where, I ask you, do you fit into this situation? Are you willing to be his sounding board, someone who advises him on what the best thing is to be done? To be the one would listens while he rails on about his greedy ex-wife? Who has to deal with the distraction and time spent away dealing with it all?
That doesn’t sound very fun, does it?
#7 – Starting a relationship with stress and drama does not lead to happily ever after.
Relationships are supposed to start out in a good way. People meet, they feel the connection, they share their stories and stay up all night sharing their hopes and dreams. The have tons of sex, do lots of fun activities and are riding a high that they believe they will never come down from. In a healthy relationship, these highs settle down to a comfortable happiness that moves the relationship forward.
If you are involved with a married man who is not yet separated, you will have very little of this initial happiness. Yes, you might have moments of new relationship bliss but those moments will be interspersed with the things I detailed above. You might feel the stress of his financial worries, have to deal with a resentful child, get frustrated at being fourth on the list of his priorities. You might find you and your beau disagreeing with his choices and fighting about what is next.
Let me ask you – which of these relationship beginnings will lead to a healthy relationship? The one that starts with happiness and hope or one that starts with anger and frustration?
Don’t waste your time, hoping that, once his divorce is done, you will live happily ever after. The chances, I am afraid, are minimal.
I wish I could say that dating a married man who is separated is something that could lead to your happily ever after.
After all, that’s what we all want – happily ever after.
I am sorry to say that, no matter how great he is, your still married man is going to disappoint you. He won’t want to, and might even tell you that he won’t, but he will. And, when your relationship ends, you will be left alone, needing to start over on your journey to find love.
So, find the strength to not choose married men who are not yet divorced, and walk away if you have already started dating one! You will be happy you did!

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.