7 Truths about Your Married Man’s Marriage that You Don’t Want to Hear
7 Truths about Your Married Man’s Marriage that You Don’t want to Hear
One thing that every single one of my clients who is having an affair with a married man talks about is how their man’s marriage is a disaster; that they don’t understand how he can exist in it and that it should be a no-brainer to leave. Every one.
And what I tell everyone of them is – “Actually, it’s not that simple.”
Of course, no woman having an affair with a married man wants to hear this. Their man’s miserable marriage is a part of how women rationalize what they are doing.
That being said, it essential that you, the “other woman,” understand truths about your married man’s marriage so that you can move forward with 100% clarity.
#1 – His wife is not a complete raving lunatic, no matter what he says.
I am sure that you have heard over and over what a raging lunatic your married man’s wife is. Or how she is so depressed that she can’t function or that religion has taken over her life or that she is controlling and manipulative. And I am sure that you believe him. After all, why would he lie?
Now I am not saying that your married man is lying, per se, but rather that this description of her is his story and one that he is going to stick to. After all, how else can he justify himself having an affair?
What I can tell you is that every marriage is long and hard but that in every marriage there are two people. Over time, the 1000 little cuts that occur in a marriage can cause a myriad of hurts, hurts that that can wear someone down emotionally. As a result, married people don’t always behave as calmly or respectfully as they might like.
I am guessing that your married man has hurt his wife – as I am sure that she has hurt him. She hasn’t just become a raving lunatic overnight. Of course she might be unkind or disrespectful but she isn’t that way in a void. She is this way because she is unhappy. And she is, I promise, very unhappy in her marriage.
#2 – She is married to someone who would cheat on her.
Think about this one very carefully, especially if you are in an affair with a married man who you are hoping will leave his wife for you.
Your married man is the kind of person who would cheat on his wife.
I am guessing that you are rationalizing his behavior because he is desperately unhappy and what else could he do? That you are soul mates who are destined to be together. But the reality is is that there are many men who are unhappily married who don’t cheat.
Of course, being unhappily married is extremely difficult and ideally every man who is unhappily married would join with his wife to find support to manage this unhappiness. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. As a result, men can look for other means of coping, some of them healthy and some of them not. Perhaps they exercise more or spend time with friends. Or perhaps they work harder or, tragically, drink too much. Whatever their coping skills, what they don’t do is cheat. They abide by the vows of their marriage, in spite of what they are struggling with.
Your married man is not one of those men who has chosen a coping skill that does’t involve sex with another woman. Is that someone who you would want to be married to? Perhaps that she is married to the kind of man who would cheat is one of the reason that your married man’s wife is such a “bitch.”
#3 – Your married man and his wife are still very much a couple.
Let me guess. Has your married man told you that he and his wife aren’t even a couple anymore? That they never spend time together, they don’t have the same interests, they can’t agree on anything and that they never have sex? I am guessing that the answer to at least some of these things is “yes.”
Well, let me tell you that your married man and his wife are still very much a couple. While they might not get along all the time (or ever) they are still married. They have friends who they socialize with. They have extended family who are visited on holidays. They have children’s sporting events that are watched every weekend. There are family holidays that need to be taken. All of those things are things that your married man and his wife do together. And, I can promise you, that they do, at times, enjoy doing these things together.
Of particular note is the fact that your married man and his wife live in the same house. There are dinners to be had, TV shows to be watched, chores to be done. And, whether or not they have children, at times at least, they do these things together.
I know that he tells you that he and his wife never do things together but they do. Every day.
#4 – They were madly in love once too.
I know that this is hard to conceive of but your married man and his wife were madly in love once. They met, they fell in love, they got married. Even if he tells you that he never loved her, he did.
And, while they might not love each other they way they used to, or barely even at all, there is a love there, love that is born of longevity and shared experience. This is why so many people have a hard time letting go of relationships, even if they are toxic – because of past emotional experiences and time spent together.
So, while your married man says that he doesn’t love his wife, and maybe even never did, remember – he fell in love with her once and that love still exists on some level.
#5 – They have mutual obligations to each other.
On the most practical level, your married man and his wife have obligations to each other. They probably have a mortgage or a lease. They might have a car loan and perhaps credit card debt. They might have children they share or a dog they are both very attached to. Your married man is in a relationship that he can not easily disentangle himself from.
Even more important, your married man probably feels like he has a responsibility to continue to take care of his wife. I have a few clients who are married men having affairs and, without exception, they feel like it is imperative that they continue to take care of their wives.
Even in this world where men and women are equal, men still have an instinctual compulsion to take care of their women and their children. In many marriages, the men make more money and their wives are financially reliant on them. Furthermore, many men feel that they are responsible for the health and safety of their wives. For the things that they need so that they can have a good life. They want to make sure that they are taken care of, no matter what.
And these compulsions are not things that your married man will walk away from easily. He might very well have been brought up to take care of women and, if he has been doing it for a long time, especially, he will have a very hard time letting go.
#6 – They have a history. And, most likely, a future.
This is another thing to consider when you hear your married man complain about how horrible his life and his marriage is. Your married man and his wife have history, and, maybe even a future.
Think about it. Your husband and his wife have shared a life. They have friends they might have known for years, probably friends who are also married. They each have an extended family and those families have mingled regularly. They have kids who they have watched grow up. They have shared experiences, both good and bad, experiences that have joined them in some way.
And – even if he does leave her and they get divorced – your married man and his wife will have a future together, especially if they have kids or pets.
I know that it feels like that if your married man leaves his wife, that will be that and you will live happily ever after. But the reality is is that your married man and his wife will always be connected. Perhaps he has to pay her alimony. Or they have to meet to exchange the kids. Perhaps their aging parents will get sick and they will need to support each other. They might see each other at social events. Whatever the reason, your married man and his wife have a future together. One that you most likely won’t be a part of.
# 7 – His wife is most likely in charge.
One of the things that I learned in my 20 years of marriage is that I was the one who was in charge of our lives.
While we might have started out as equals, as we bought a house and had kids and developed a social life, I was the one who took over. I was the one who managed the kids schedules, bought birthday and Christmas presents, planned social events and arranged vacations. And I was happy to do it – but only if it was done my way.
And my husband – he knew the rules and was nonetheless perfectly happy to do things this way.
What I know now is that most husbands just want to keep their wives happy. If their wives are happy, there is no drama and emotions to deal with and the chances that they will get sex is dramatically higher. As a result, they keep their heads down, try to follow instructions correctly and get through the day with their heads fully intact.
So, what does this mean? Why should her being in a charge mean anything to you? Because your married man is so used to following instructions that the chances that he will advocate for himself and get out of the marriage are infinitesimal. Your married guy knows that, if he asks for a divorce, there will be drama and emotions, both things that he just isn’t equipped to deal with.
I know that these truths about your married man’s marriage might be hard to accept.
After all, you are having an affair with a married man and you are living in a bubble. You are living in a bubble where you believe that your love will conquer all. That he will see how much better his life will be if he is with you. That, ultimately, he will choose you.
Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. Yes, you love him and are there for him and you have fun together and the sex is great but your married man is married. Your married man has a full life of which you are not a part of and his wife is. And this is a life that he most likely won’t, in spite of his promises, ultimately leave.

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.