One of the most important pieces of true happiness is intimate connection, good friendships. The care and keeping of a friendship is not always the easiest thing to do, especially with the chaotic life that comes with being a mom, but with a little consciousness and action it can be made easier.
Below you will find a list of the 5 things best friends do together. Do them, and you will be a good friend and a happier person.
5 Best Things You Can Do For a Friend
#1 – Support each other and be honest
Friends are great for confiding in. Nothing is better than sitting down with a friend and debriefing her about the terrible row you had with your partner the night before over a hot cup of tea. A good friend will listen and commiserate. A good friend will also be honest with you, giving her perspective without judging or berating. And a good friend will take note of what her friend says.
#2 – Make each other laugh
This chaotic, jam-packed and exhausting world that we live in can be a poisonous one. The best antidote is laughter. Smiling will improve your mood, and if the smile is followed by laughter, the effect is exponentially greater.
#3 – Share experiences
Women ‘ s experiences are markedly similar. It ‘ s almost eerie how alike women ‘ s lives are worldwide. Being around people with shared experience has twofold benefits. First, it makes you fell less alone because you know other people have experienced what you have experienced. Secondly, you can learn from another ‘ s experience by hearing it’s process and outcome.
#4 – Eat ice cream
Many women feel guilty indulging in any sweet. And standing alone at your kitchen counter shoveling Oreos into your mouth is not a good idea. But sharing something sweet with a friend, one bowl, two spoons, can be a truly bonding and uplifting experience.
#5 – Take walks
Exercise is one of the most important things to do to feel healthy and happy. And walking with a friend is a great, painless way to get exercise. As an added benefit, when you go for a walk, you can apply the first 3 principles above, and then after the walk you can do the 4th without guilt!
So there you go, the 5 best things you can do for a friend. They aren ‘ t difficult at all; they take a little bit of time and attention. And the benefits are twofold: you both will be happier because of your efforts. And your happiness will pay itself to your children, partner and co-workers.
What do you do with your friends that make you happy?
If you’re feeling like your friendships are suffering, or you’d like to refocus your energy to create healthier, more joyful relationships, let’s talk. Sign up for your free session with me today.

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.