5 Ways to Stop Feeling Depressed About Work
Are you desperate to stop feeling depressed about work?
Do you wake up every day dreading the day ahead?
Is it making you depressed and anxious and starting to make your life a very unhappy place?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions then it ‘ s time to take action. Time to start figuring out how to stop feeling depressed about work.
Let me help!
#1 – Recognize that you do have control over the situation.
There are many things in life that you have absolutely no control over. Your genetics. Your husband ‘ s drinking. Your mother-in-law’s peckishness.
What you do have control over is your own life. And that control involves taking control over your work situation. Taking control of what is making you so depressed and what to do about it.
Knowing that you have control over the situation, that there are things that you can do to bring about change and it ‘ s not totally hopeless, will go a long way towards helping you stop feeling depressed about work.
#2 – Identify what exactly is making you depressed about work.
Okay so what exactly is it that makes you feel depressed about work?
Is it the person whose desk you share in the office? Is it the work hours or the dress code? Is it your boss or the office manager?
Identifying exactly what it is that makes you so depressed at work will help you figure out how to deal with it.
And you are not allowed to say ‘ ˜all of it ‘ because that won ‘ t get you anywhere. All that will do is make you feel overwhelmed and hopeless and you will stay depressed about work for the foreseeable future.
#3 – Make a plan to make change.
Once you have identified what exactly it is about your job that makes you so depressed it ‘ s time to take action.
Is the reason that you are so depressed at work because of the annoying person you are sharing your desk with? If yes, speak up and either try to figure out how to get along with this person or ask your boss to move you.
Is the reason that you are depressed at work because the work hours don ‘ t really work for you? Are you just so not a morning person and do better late afternoon? Would you rather work 4 10 hour days? Would you rather work weekends? If any of these is the case, then speak up! Ask your boss if you can work different hours. And if you can ‘ t, perhaps it ‘ s time to find a job somewhere with more flexibility.
Employers these days make huge efforts to keep their employees happy and productive. If there is something about your job that is making you unhappy speak up! And if your employee won ‘ t be flexible, pack up your toys and seek employment elsewhere.
#4 – Do satisfying work outside of your job.
One reason that we often feel depressed about our job is because we just aren ‘ t satisfied with the work that we do.
Perhaps our job is answering phones or waiting tables and, while they are a means to an end, they don ‘ t make us feel so good about ourselves at the end of the day.
If this is the case, find yourself something to do outside of work that would make you feel good.
What would that be for you? Maybe volunteering somewhere? Or taking a class in something that has always interested you? Perhaps spending more time with an older, or younger, relative, helping them manage their place in the world.
Whatever you choose, if you are stuck in a job that is making you feel depressed and you can ‘ t get out of it right now, make an effort to do things outside of work that make you happy.
Don ‘ t lie around feeling sorry for yourself. Do something!
#5 – Take care of yourself.
One of the things that happens to us when we are feeling depressed about work is that we stop taking care of ourselves.
We tend to eat and drink more, move less and our sleep suffers. Before we know it not only are we depressed about work but also about how we feel physically. The combination of the two can be lethal.
So make a huge effort to take care of yourself if you are feeling depressed about work. Eat well, making sure you are getting lots of fresh fruit and vegies and protein. Drink in moderation. Make sure that your sleep doesn ‘ t suffer. Get outside and breathe some fresh air.
Doing all of these things will keep you physically and mentally strong so that you can deal with all of the things that you need to deal with to handle this job that is bringing you down.
I know that it can be tough to figure out how to stop feeling depressed about work. Many of us feel trapped in our jobs and the prospect of moving on or bringing about change is overwhelming.
But it is possible to have a job about which you don ‘ t feel depressed. You just need to understand what it is about your job that you don ‘ t like and make a plan to bring about change.
In the meantime, don ‘ t neglect your personal life. Your mental and physical fitness are the key to making changes to be happy.

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.
Such an important topic to take action on! Love it Mitzi.
I notice that when I make a small change to the list of things
I’m unhappy with– it’s a big boost to my mood.
Thanks for bringing up the subject! Empowering!