Remember when you were little and had your dreams for when you were a grown up? I wanted to be an astronaut. Or a ballerina. As we grow up, those dreams evolve. My desire to be an astronaut or a ballerina fell by the wayside when I failed earth science and grew a foot. After college I knew I wanted to write and help people.
I didn ‘ t know how to do that, so I went into the hospitality business, retail sales and became a mom. Suddenly I was 40 and a working mom, and my dreams had disappeared under a load of laundry.
Now, 10 years later, I am living the life of my dreams. I write articles and blogs and coach moms towards reaching their dreams. I have learned a lot along the way and want to share this with you today.
5 Ways Women Must Take To Achieve Your Goals:
Women often have multiple responsibilities, from family and career to personal growth and development. It can be easy to lose sight of our goals amid all these competing demands. However, setting and achieving goals is essential to our well-being and success.
So Here are five ways to achieve your goals as a woman:
#1 – Be clear about what is important to you:
I can ‘ t say this enough. If you don ‘ t know what is essential to you, you can ‘ t prioritise it. Instead your life will consist of day after day doing the things you need to do to get by.
Do this. Mark out 1 hour on your calendar this week, one hour to still down with a cup of tea and write down everything essential to you. Write down the things that you do and things that you don ‘ t. Set it aside and go pick up the kids from school.
A few days later, revisit your list. Did you forget anything? Is there anything on there that maybe shouldn ‘ t be?
Next, circle the top 10 most essential things on your list. Then from that list, circle the top 7 most important things and the top 5 most important things. From your top 5 list, circle the top 3 most important things.
You now have the top 3 things that are most important to you. See, that wasn ‘ t so hard.
#2 – Have a plan in place to make those 3 things a priority:
Make sure that plan is one that you are excited about. Making this plan is most accessible when working with a life coach, but you can do it yourself.
If exercise is priority, build into your calendar a little bit of time three days a week to do so. Just a little bit. Maybe 15 minutes. Then, a few weeks later, build in a little more time. Slowly grow the time you exercise until you do it as much as you want. The key is making time for it and making it a priority.
#3 – Surround yourself with a supportive and loving community:
Your community can comprise family, friends, co-workers, and gym mates who can support you and hold you accountable. This is key to success. We all have good intentions, but it ‘ s hard to stay on the path to reaching our dreams without support and accountability.
#4 – Do NOT doubt yourself:
This is the most self-sabotaging thing that we do. We listen to the voice in our head that tells us that we can ‘ t do something. That we don ‘ t have the time or that we aren ‘ t good enough, or that we don ‘ t deserve something.
This is, may I say, complete bullshit. You are a fantastic person who gives and gives, and you should have the life of your dreams. And if you are happy, everyone around you will be happy!
#5 – Take care of yourself and try to have a little fun:
Yes our lives are crazy, but every mom must take a little time for herself. Take a bath, go for a walk, go shopping with a friend, climb a mountain, learn to surf, take a road trip. Do something every day that feeds your soul. Take a day a month to do something you want to do.
And at least once a year, get away to get to know yourself again.
So there you are ‘ ¦5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals As A Women , Even if There are Million Excuses not to ‘ ¦
Remember, it ‘ s never too late to live the life that you want. You need to take that first step and decide what that life is. The rest you can do, easy.
Just look at all that you do now. Only Superwoman can do what you do every day. Your dreams will be a cinch ‘ ¦ Get in touch with me NOW to get your started. You will be glad you did!

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.