7 Psychological Facts about Toxic Marriages that Nearly Everyone Misses
7 Psychological Facts about Toxic Marriages that Nearly Everyone Misses
If you are reading this article I am guessing that you are wondering if you are in a toxic marriage but not really sure. I get it! So many of my clients come to me, wondering if their marriage is a toxic one.
When we are struggling in a toxic marriage, it can be hard to recognize the symptoms. A therapist of mine once likened being in a bad relationship to being caught underwater in a moving river – the water bubbling all around your head, disorienting you, making it hard think clearly.
Well, that is what life coaches (specifically me!) are here for – to help their clients understand the realities of their marriage so that they can be empowered to decide on their next course of action.
So that end – let me share with you the psychological facts about toxic marriages that nearly everyone misses, so that you can figure out your next steps.
#1 – Your spouse is not your “soul mate.”
So many of my clients tell me that their spouse is their “soul mate.” That they have never loved or been loved the way that they do and are with their husband or wife. And I get it. But that idea is, I am afraid, just a tad delusional.
Let me ask you this – if you are in a marriage that is toxic, perhaps being emotionally or physically abused by a partner, how can that person be your “soul mate?” How can someone who is your “soul mate” be someone who is willing to cause you so much pain?.
More likely, instead of being your “soul mate,” you and/or your spouse are most likely trauma bonded. No matter the length of your marriage, your primary relationship has been a toxic one. One that involves anger and sadness and mistreatment and contempt and name calling and swearing and abuse. When that is how one, or both, members of a marriage live every day, those kind of toxic emotions become normalized. In fact, when those kind of strong emotions, even if they are negative, aren’t present, it can feel really uncomfortable. Hence – the trauma bonding. You believe that, in order to feel, you must be with THIS person, even if they make you feel bad!
#2 – Great sex does not mean a great marriage.
I can’t tell you how often I hear this one from clients – that they have amazing sex so their marriage must still be good, right? Well, wrong.
One of the reasons that a sex life can quiet down during a marriage is because of the familiar – that as a relationship normalizes and the initial chemical surges calm down, that drive for sex can be reduced as well. This is not a bad thing – its just they way the chemical reactions in our body work.
When you are in a toxic marriage, those intense emotions have not calmed down. They have, in fact, become heightened over this time, in a negative way. Couples in toxic marriages are more often than not struggling with these strong emotions. Whether it be sadness or anger or contempt or frustration, these kind of heightened emotions can lead to a increased desire for sexual release. As a result, couples who live in this state of conflict more likely than not have more sex then people in calmer marriages.
A great example of this is break up sex, a way more common thing than one might think (and something that I have indulged in more than once – with different boyfriends!). The desire to break up with someone is usually connected in some way to intense emotions of some kind. As a result, we want to have sex, even though we are breaking up. Now, think about a toxic marriage. Pretty much all of the sex in a toxic marriage is break up sex – soon followed, most likely, by make up sex.
Both of which are quite exciting – and very addictive.
#3 – It’s not all your fault.
If there is one thing that all of my clients who are struggling in toxic marriages have in common is that they believe that it is all their fault.
They believe that if they could just be nicer or wear more makeup or be more patient or have more sex or don’t ask for much their relationship could be fixed. And they really believe this. Before they find me, many of my clients have tried one or more of the above in an attempt to fix their marriage.
Well, let me tell you, from personal experience, that your toxic relationship will not be fixed by you not being who you are. Yes, of course, you can change toxic behaviors that you might bring into a relationship but that won’t fix your marriage. Why? Because your toxic marriage is not all your fault!
In every marriage, there are two people and in every marriage there are two people involved in making it good or bad. Perhaps you aren’t as nice to your husband as you might be but I am guessing that you didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to be a bitch. I am guessing that, over time, something has happened in your marriage that led to that behavior. In a healthy marriage, you being a bitch, and what your spouse is doing to cause your to react that way, are both addressed to settle an issue. In a toxic marriage, if one person is willing to take all the blame for its problems, the other person will be happy to give them away.
So, know that fixing yourself isn’t going to fix your relationship. What is happening is not all your fault. I know that it might feel that way – and that perhaps you are even being told that it is that way – but its not!
#4 – You are not kidding anyone, particularly your kids.
I have a client who has four grown children. All of them are embarking on adult relationships of their own and all of them are struggling. We have been working together to try to help her support them. As we have gotten to know each other, I have learned that my client has a husband who is very abusive. Her kids grew up in a home where their father was always angry and their mother was always trying to hide this anger from the kids. She truly thought that she had done a good job doing so..
The reality is is that she wasn’t kidding anyone. While she tried her hardest, her kids were still exposed, over the many years of their childhood, to the toxic behaviors of their father (and to some extent her toxic behaviors because their mother put up with it). As a result, they are now struggling in their own relationship with the girls finding men who don’t treat them well and the boys exhibiting frustration through anger.
This happens all the time – that people believe that they are successfully hiding their toxic marriage from friends and family. And, of course, sometimes it can be done but, more often than not, its just not possible. This is especially the case with children. They have big eyes and ears and hearts and the tangled web of emotions that exist in a toxic marriage are always simmering in the background and their little bodies just soak them right up. And, because they are kids and don’t understand these grown up emotions, the confusion will set them up for a world of hurt!
#5 – Things will never go back to the way they were in the beginning.
Oh goodness – if I had a quarter for every client who tells me that they are waiting for things to go back to the way that they were in the beginning I would be a very rich life coach.
The beginning of relationships are always wonderful. The initial chemical reaction. The emotional connection. The romance. The great sex. The all night talks about hopes and dreams. It’s all the stuff, literally, of fairy tales.
Unfortunately, as a relationship develops, those initial intense emotions shift. In a healthy relationship, they shift in a positive way, one where a couple settles in to a secure, loving relationship. In a toxic relationship, those emotions lead to hurt, anger and disillusionment. Where, my clients wonder, is the person who they fell in love with?
I am afraid that, whether you are in a good marriage or a bad one, your relationship will never be the way that it was in the beginning. Holding onto the hope that it ever will is an exercise in futility. This is particularly the case if you are in a toxic marriage. No matter how hard you work on a relationship, it will never be what it was in the beginning nor will your spouse ever be exactly the person they were.
So, if you are staying in a toxic marriage because you believe that things could go back to the way that they were in the beginning, I am sorry to tell you this but it just won’t happen.
#6 – “We never fight” doesn’t not mean your marriage is fine.
I know that, when my marriage ended, I thought to myself – but we never fight. How can we possibly be getting a divorce? Our marriage was fine enough, right? After all, so many of our friends fought more than we did.
Well, it turns out that not fighting is not the sign of a healthy relationship nor is it the key to getting one.
A healthy marriage is all about communication – whether its positive or negative it’s important for people to be able to speak their truth and be heard. It’s not an easy thing to do – to be honest – but its a very important part of any healthy relationship.
When spouses don’t fight, it means that they aren’t expressing their feelings. It means that they are just stuffing down whatever frustrations they might have to a place where they will simmer until they boil over. My kids tell me that while my ex and I never fought, the tension was always in the air. They knew that we were holding things in and generally knew when they were going to come out.
The biggest gift that our divorce gave them was that they no longer had to wait for those eruptions.
So, if you and your spouse don’t fight – its not a good thing, I am afraid.
#7 – You really do deserve better.
Be honest. How do you feel about yourself these days?
Are you happy with who you are in the world. Do you wake up in the morning with a mostly positive outlook for your day? Do you take care of yourself? Are you being a good friend or a good parent? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and think that you are in pretty good shape?
I am guessing that, if you are reading this article, you aren’t feeling so good about yourself. Any amount of time in a toxic relationship can be really hard on one’s self esteem. Being unhappy or on the receiving side of anger or feeling hopeless about the future are all things that can eat away at one’s self-esteem. And when one’s self esteem is damaged, its difficult to believe that one deserves any better than their unhappy marriage.
I can promise you that you 100% deserve better. We all do. You deserve to love and be loved and not live your days in misery. If you can take that first step fixing or getting out of your toxic marriage you will be taking one step towards rebuilding that self esteem and getting the love that you want.
I know that accepting these psychological facts about toxic marriages might be difficult.
After all, who wants to admit that their marriage is toxic and that something must be done. We make vows when we get married and not one wants to break their vows!
So, take a look at the facts that I have shared. Are they in any way related to your marriage? If yes, its time for you to figure out next steps!

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.