So you are living a life in which you are not happy. I mean, you are FINE, but you think, what is the big deal? Is anyone REALLY happy? Your life is busy and chaotic, but you are fine; your job and your family are fine.
I would argue that you are not so fine. Your happiness is not only affecting yourself but affecting those around you.
Benefits of Being Happy In 2023:
According to my decades of experience, Here are 5 benefits of being happy that will change your life forever.
#1 – Your behaviors will change.
People who aren ‘ t happy act unhappy whether they know it or not. They are impatient, crabby, distant, distracted, quick to anger, easily frustrated. The list goes on and on. Happy people, on the other hand, are rarely those things. They are far more patient, present and calm. They don ‘ t live in constant agitation, as an unhappy person does, so they aren ‘ t quick to react negatively.
#2 – Your attention span will improve.
You might not know this, but unhappy people have shorter attention spans. When you are unhappy, it is very difficult to focus on things, big or small. The mind is constantly agitating, and that makes it impossible to focus well on any one thing. Happy people have better brain function than unhappy people, which leads to better comprehension and retention.
#3 – You will smile.
Smiling is an amazing gift to the human race. The physical act of smiling improves the smiler ‘ s mood instantaneously. And if you smile at someone, that person ‘ s mood also improves. So if you are happy, you will smile more, and you will smile at more people, and they will be happier, and you will be making the world a better place.
#4 – Your health will improve.
Unhappy people are unhealthy, again, whether they know it or not. Unhappiness takes a dangerous toll on one ‘ s heart, blood pressure and internal organs. People who aren ‘ t happy don ‘ t sleep well, and lack of sleep can lead to insanity. One of my clients always had terrible tummy pains. When she resolved her problems with her husband, her tummy pains vanished.
#5 – You will be more successful at work and at home.
Unhappy people are generally unable to give their all to anything, not their work or family. They are just too drained by their unhappiness to thrive. Happy people bring that into their lives everywhere. One of my clients found happiness, and her relationship with her co-workers improved, so she was chosen as employee of the month for the first time.
So there you are, 5 ways your happiness will change your life. If you think you are the only person affected by your unhappiness, you are wrong. If you work to reach your dreams, you will be happier, and so will those around you.
For help becoming more happy and fulfilled with your life, please contact me through my website for a free first-time session.

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.