How Life Coaching Can Help You – 5 Reasons To Find A Life Coach
Everywhere you look, you are bombarded with the message that if you do this ONE THING (take a pill, buy a dress, fix your hair, lease a car), your life will change. And we have all tried that ONE THING, and no miraculous change has occurred.
Shocking! And disappointing.
Working with a life coach is different. The life coach’s approach to change differs from anything you have ever tried, and its potential to create significant change in your life is not to be underestimated.
Ready to be all that you want to be? Truly?
How Life Coaching Can Help You (5 Reasons)
Life coaching is the personal development that can help you achieve your goals and improve your overall quality of life. Unlike therapy or counseling, life coaching focuses on the present and future rather than the past.
A life coach helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and develop a plan to achieve them.
#1. A life coach will help you define what you want and who you want to be.
We know we are dissatisfied with our lives, but most of us don ‘ t know what that looks like. A life coach will help you take stock of your life and define where you are and want to be.
Working with me, we will look at 5 critical areas of your life: physical & mental health, life skills, relationship health, personal care, and career satisfaction.
A good look at these areas will help us determine where you are now and where you want to be, information that is indispensable in bringing about change.
#2 – A life coach will help you create a plan.
Once you have a clear idea of where you are and where you want to be, it ‘ s time to make a plan. You can try to do this on your own, but oftentimes, the prospect seems so overwhelming and off-putting that you don ‘ t know where to start. So you don ‘ t.
A life coach can help you cut through the clutter and the chaos and help you create a plan to get you where you want to be, step by step.
#3 – A life coach will hold you accountable.
This is a vital part of life coaching, one of those things that you really CAN’Tfind anywhere else. Seriously. Anywhere else.
We all have friends and loved ones who support us and promise to make sure we do what we say we will do. But they love us, don ‘ t want to nag, and want us to be happy. And all of that is wonderful, but it doesn ‘ t help you reach your dreams.
Every week your life coach will work with you to create action steps, and every week the two of you will come up with a list of ‘ homework, ‘ things to be done to move you forward on your path.
Your coach will ask about your homework the following week, and I promise you will want to report that you did it. And you will want to do it because you will see how remarkable the change is happening.
#4 – A life coach will power you through the obstacles.
Rocks get onto the road that we are traveling. Sometimes they are small ones that we can pick up and toss aside, but sometimes, they are boulders that require more effort to maneuver around.
A life coach has the knowledge and experience to help you break through those rocks. A life coach can teach you the tools to get past any rock that might get in your way, big or small.
And those tools you can use now and carry in your toolbox forever.
#5 – A life coach will give you unconditional support and encouragement.
Think about a football coach. What does he do? He teaches his team how to play their best and cheers from the sidelines as they do so.
A life coach is the same way. A life coach is there to be your biggest cheerleader but, at the same time, teach you how to be your true self.
And a life coach will be there every step of the way to help you when you falter and cheer you on when you succeed.
Isn ‘ t that just the kind of unconditional support we all want?
Final Words:
Life coaching can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. It can help you achieve your goals, improve communication skills, overcome limiting beliefs, and increase motivation and accountability. When choosing a life coach, finding someone who is qualified, experienced, and who you feel comfortable working with is essential.
So now you can see how life coaching is that ONE THING that can help you bring about significant, wondrous change.
Working with a life coach will help you finally live the life you have always known you could. And you don ‘ t need to change your hair color or ride to do so.
Of course, every time I mention a life coach above, I mean ME, so get in touch with me NOW, and let ‘ s start making your dreams come true!

I am a NYC based Certified Life Coach and mental health advocate. My writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Prevention, Psych Central, Pop Sugar, MSN and The Good Man Project, among others. I work with all kinds of people to help them go from depressed and overwhelmed to confident and happy in their relationships and in their world.
I absolutely agree with everything you said about the value of a solid Life Coach Mitzi. Knowing you, I am positive that your clients will feel supported and get things done!
The best coaches help you keep the ball in the game and bring it back when it goes out of bounds.
Well said Coach Mitzi 🙂
So true. A life coach who is good will help you make changes happen. It’s a rare, special person who does these kinds of things.
I love all 5 things, but find accountability so priceless and so vital.